Focus: To be a disciple of Christ we must know His words by studying His book, The Bible, as well as understand what it means to walk with God as Jesus walked. By doing so we will do what Jesus would do and say what He would say as we rely on His Spirit living in and through us! Building a foundation and getting started on your Journey of Spiritual Growth. This course covers:
- The Basics
- Why
- God, the Bible and You
- Who Christ is
- What He has done
- Prayer Jounaling
- Bible Reading.
Participants begin to learn practical ways to be a disciple of Jesus featuring:
- Small groups to help participants process and practice what they are learning.
A relationship of grace is marked by a discipler who listens and seeks to understand the person. They communicate. They believe in the person. They encourage. They walk through life with the person – not only in victory, but also in failure and sin. A relationship of truth is marked by infusing the word of God into our life – understanding it, learning how to apply it, being held accountable to live it out.
Discipleship relationships must be centered around God's grace and truth. Not one or the other. Discipleship is working out the truthful word of God in the context of a gracious relationship. Without someone relationally involved in their lives – loving them, extending grace to them, working through the hard stuff – believers may miss out on the abundant life Christ promises us.